Martes, Enero 20, 2015


After the first period, similar in some respects to hermitic novitiate, follows.

Novitiate, in which mortification and self denial of the passions of the soul together with knowledge and love of Christ will work progressive purification of the heart, the end toward which all the exercises of this period is directed. In this stage we will do battle to ourselves. For me this is the moment when the soul is purified painfully with the fire of Divine Love. Be on guard brothers for the devil will try to put off the flame of God's love burning in you; this love burns with our vocation and not only that he will do all he can to test you, and even made you give up your calling and leave the monastery. Believe me in this for I too have experienced this kind of struggle, mostly in novitiate stage when we are almost in the climax of self battling many will not survive. Saint Therese of the Child has also experienced this before her profession, that she run to the Mother Prioress, asking her profession be cancelled for a while for she will extend her retreat or leave the monastery. (From the Story of the Soul, Saint Therese biography) That is why brothers as your union with our Lord in this mystical marriage approaches I ask you to deepen your prayer and allow the flame of the Sacred Heart to consume our souls, Always contemplate on the Holy Face of Jesus so that we will overcome all the attacks of the Devil. My brothers this is the reason that every Tuesday after our Divine office we pray the reparation prayer to the Holy Face of Jesus.

Let us look only in the eyes of Jesus, let us gaze His Holy face and we will be saved. As the psalmist once say: "SHOW US YOUR FACE LORD AND WE SHALL BE SAVED." Let us hold on to this devotion for by contemplating the Holy Face of Jesus Saint Therese of the Child Jesus becomes victorious and becomes the greatest Saint of the modern times and the youngest doctor of the Church.
The Bible teaches us to seek God first and everything will be added to us.

Jesus said: Be faithful to me and I will be faithful to you.

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