Lunes, Enero 19, 2015

The Way of life of the Hermits by Fra. Francis Gregory of Jesus and of the Immaculate Heart

I dedicate this writing on the foundation to His Holiness Pope Francis and to all the Brothers and Sisters of the Hermits of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel and of the Holy Face.

The Hermits of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel and of the Holy Face contemplates daily the suffering face of Jesus which we see in the face of the poor. As the primitive rule of Saint Albert states; We "Brothers must remain in our cell or near it." We must try to remain in the state of contemplation both in the physical cell or spiritual cell (our soul) let us remember that the apostles recommends silence, since they command us to observe it while working. Our Holy Father the Prophet Elijah testifies that silence in the service is justice and where our hope and strength be.
The rule also state that though we are not obliged to observe silence so rigorously at other times, it is better that we should be careful of talking to much, "For in the multitude of words there are mistakes and sin. We must observe silence with great diligence and care. The Holy Rule states;" it makes an express reference," extremely  heavy to the danger of sins of the tongue.
We must remember that spoken words tears man away from his spiritual solitude.

Dear brothers as Carmelite hermits and as the Holy Rule states we are nourished essentially by silence."
The Holy Rule has ordained us to observe silence from the end of Complin to the end of Prime in the  following day. And since we follow the way of perfection of Our Holy Mother Teresa of Jesus of Avila, we too must follow the Teresian desserts that impose perpetual silence and embodies the spirit of the rule properly and perfectly stating: " The higher the hermit rise towards the peak of virtues, having left below earthly thoughts and desires, the fewer be their words, and since it is well known to spiritual men how great is the interior dissipation which freedom of tongue brings it ." Brothers, in this part I admit I too struggle for human as I am, the devil will try his best to destruct us of the path we admire much to accomplish to be holy and become saints.
As Carmelite Hermits of the Holy Face, our hermitism lays down in such an exact manner is an interior hermitism which coincides essentially with the Carmelite way of living contained in the primitive rule, Further more, as it is for our instruction that one and the same law. in its text joins the eremitic form of life with the exercise of a moderate apostolate, which is our charities and evangelical Holy Face promotion as our moderate apostolate, as our Holy Rule states so that our community be balanced. Let not the door of the convent be closed to those came to us to ask for help; for helping them and opening our doors to them is like opening our doors to Jesus. Having a service to the poor is the perfect way of contemplating the Holy Face of Jesus. Brothers let our charities be a reparation to the bleeding Holy Face of Jesus, and let our acts of mercy be the balm for His wounded face whom we see in the eyes of the poor.
An act of love dear brothers assist us to reach holiness in due time. For Holiness itself is Divine love and God is love. This is our mission that the Gospel of love be preached to the poor.
The manner of life which we live to carry out is not only that of being monastic but hermits. Let us remember our first fathers the Carmelites who settle in the Holy Mountain of Carmel whose lives we intend to imitate.
(To be Continued)

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